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  • How Entrepreneurs Get Health Insurance in 2022 | Let's Buy a Business | 25 Nov

How Entrepreneurs Get Health Insurance in 2022 | Let's Buy a Business | 25 Nov

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It's Thanksgiving in America but also just a good time to rehash the blessing we all have. If you have the means to read this and listen to the podcast, you're blessed. We are at 166,978 podcast downloads in 2022 and 331,677 total since inception. Thanks to all who have listened and followed along AND taken action in any way. We'll be dialing things up massively in 2023 with ...

  • More in-person events

  • Downloadable worksheets

  • Webinar Sessions with searchers, funders and everything else in between.

  • Tons of Baller interviews and stories

  • A better, tight-knit community

  • And maybe some ways to do deals together

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With thanks from the Let's Buy a Business Team:

Ryan, Lewis and Monica

How Entrepreneurs Get Health Insurance in 2022 with Jason Ferguson

Jason Ferguson is an incredible health insurance broker and has spent 20+ years working with entrepreneurs.

This episode is mainly for: US listeners.

He is free to use for Utah, Missouri, Texas, and Arizona.

How to Buy Businesses While Keeping Your Day Job with Ujwal Velagapudi

Ujwal Velagapudi bought a sports bar while keeping his day job. It was nuts. No bartender 1 hour before opening on his 1st day. Put an ad on craigslist and luckily someone showed up a few minutes before opening to handle it.

That opening weekend was the busiest weekend he ever had.

We dive into…

  • How to get a deal done

  • Risk with deals

  • What he would do differently

  • Why everyone thought he was crazy

Ujwal is brilliant and moves fast. He knows his comfort level and is ready to move when he sees an opportunity.

How to Defer Taxes When Selling Assets – Brett Swarts Interview

Brett is the host of the podcast “Capital Gains Tax Solutions” and dives into Deferred Sales Tax Trusts. Basically, he explains how you save a ton on taxes when selling assets such as businesses or real estate.

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